Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Dear Benjamin,

    You’ll never get to read this, but I wanted to let you know that the story of your life has inspired me.  After reading just a short bit of your story, I came to realize that you never really complained about what was happening to you.  To think of how shocking it might have been to run into someone like you…you were never rude to anyone. 

I’m so sorry for the way your father treated you at first, and for how Roscoe was sort of ashamed of you.  There is no way I can empathize for you on that one.  It’s hard for me to believe how understanding you were with them!  How could you not have lashed out?  Didn’t you ever feel sorry for yourself?  You must have felt very torn at times. 

I’m sure you loved getting younger, when your body was that of a man in his twenties or thirties.  Yet at the same time, it must have been confusing for you.  How is a man of eighteen years of age, with the looks of a fifty-year-old supposed to act?  I wonder if thoughts like that ever crossed your mind. I can try to understand the frustration you must have had when first attempting to get into college.  I’m glad you eventually proved them wrong. 

I am grateful you found love though.  Hildegard sounds just lovely.  I love how you talked of her hair being the color of honey.  I can’t imagine what it’d be like to see your lover grow old, when you’re doing the opposite.  I’m sorry you had to go through that.  I’m sure you really loved her all the while.  At least that’s what I want to believe.

All of this to say Benjamin, I’m impressed with the way you handled your life.  You had to deal with something no one else in the entire world had ever probably even dreamt about, and you did it to the best of your ability.  I hope your story will inspire others to be thankful for what they have, and never take a day for granted.  You taught me to live life to it’s fullest every single day.  Thank you Benjamin.  Job well done.


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