Wednesday, March 23, 2011


“I turn the corner of prayer and burn In a blessing of the sudden Sun.”
-       “Unnamed” By Dylan Thomas

After reading this poem numerous times, I believe the “I” (speaker) in this poem is Paul from the Bible, and this poem is in reference to the story in Acts 9 of when God blinded him on the road to Damascus.  The word “Sun” in this line refers to God’s overpowering glory, so bright He is impossible to look upon.  The author plays with words when he writes, “…burn In a blessing of the sudden Sun.”   Things burn when they are in the sun, and the speaker in this poem is burning in his heart from the overwhelming presence of the Son. 

Acts 9:3-4
3 As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”

Later in the poem it reads, “His lightening answers my Cry” –making me even more confident in my opinion of this poem’s meaning because of verse three. 

There is also the usage of the word “sudden” in both this line of the poem and in verse 3 of Acts 9.  I believe “the sudden Sun” really means, “the sudden Son.”

This is the first line in the poem that led me to believe it was a creative telling of Acts 9:1-4.  This line adds depth to the poem because it gives the reader a picture in their minds (imagery) of what is going on in the poem and what the speaker is feeling and/or going through.  Without the understanding of what this line means, the rest of the poem would be even more difficult to understand or decipher.  It is important for the reader to picture in their minds what they believe to be happening in the poem. 

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